Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir was observed in Ankara with a commemorative event at Pakistan Embassy and a photo exhibition organized by the embassy in collaboration with Kecioren Muncipality.
The day is observed throughout the world on 5 August every year as a somber memory of the heinous actions taken by India in August 2019 to perpetuate its illegal occupation of the Jammu and Kashmir region.
Chairperson Pakistan Turkiye Parliamentary Friendship Group, Member Parliament Ali Sahin, Member Parliament Burhan Kayaturk, prominent Kashmiri leader Abdur Rasheed Turabi, President Strategic Foresight Institute Dr. Guray Alpar and representatives of media, think tanks and civil society attended the event.
In his speech, Chairperson Pakistan Turkiye Parliamentary Friendship Group, Member Parliament Ali Sahin stated that resolution of Kashmir dispute is vital for the peace and stability in South Asia. Turkiye has always supported peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute according to the will of the Kashmiri people and will continue to do so. While expressing concerns over lack of fairness in international system, he stated that the international system serves the interests of few selected and unfortunately there is a lack of will and intention when it comes to Kashmir and Palestine. He reiterated that international community needs to play its due role in putting an end to human rights atrocities in IIOJK and implementation of UN resolutions to ensure peace and stability in the region.
While reiterating Turkish support for Kashmiri legitimate cause of self- determination, Turkish Member Parliament Burhan Kayaturk stated that the right to self-determination was promised to the Kashmiri people by the United Nations and the Indian leadership itself, but still after seven decades the promise remains unfulfilled.  In the just cause of freedom, Turkish nation will always keep standing shoulder to shoulder with their Kashmiri brethren, he added.  
Enlightening the audience about genesis of Kashmir issue,  prominent Kashmiri leader Abdur Rasheed Turabi highlighted that it was India, which took the matter to the United Nations and agreed to the solution of free and fair plebiscite. Unfortunately, India retracted on its commitments given to the Kashmiris and the international community. Since then, it has been employing all possible tactics to prolong its occupation of Kashmir and the unilateral and illegal actions of August 05th are the latest oppressive measures by India, he added.
In his speech, Gen Guray Alpar reaffirmed solidarity with Kashmiri brethren and emphasized on amicable solution to the Kashmir dispute in accordance with UN security council resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
Expressing solidarity with Kashmir, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid stated that today reminds us of India’s illegal action of 05th August 2019. The situation in IIOJK is worsening with each passing day, as efforts are being made to silence the genuine leadership of Kashmiri people, muzzle media and engineer demographic changes in the occupied territory. The number of political prisoners remains in thousands, while 14 political organizations have been banned, he added. Ambassador reiterated Pakistan’s unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support to people of Kashmir until the resolution of the dispute in accordance with UNSC resolutions and aspiration of the Kashmiri people. Ambassador Junaid thanked the people and government of Turkiye for their principled stance on Kashmir, especially H.E President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for highlighting the Kashmir cause at international fora.


Ankara, 5th August 2024
