On the instructions of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Embassy of Pakistan in Ankara has established the “Prime Minister’s Flood Relief Fund-2014” for receiving donations for the affectees of recent floods in Pakistan. Details are as under;
Turk Lira Account : 3457808-5030
IBAN No. : TR71 0001 0009 2003 4578 0850 30
Account Title : P.M’s Flood Relief Fund-2014
Bank Name : T.C Ziraat Bankasi, Gazisomanpasa Subesi (0920)
US Dollar : 3457808-5031
IBAN No. : TR71 0001 0009 2003 4578 0850 30
Account Title : P.M’s Flood Relief Fund-2014
Bank Name : T.C Ziraat Bankasi, Gazisomanpasa Subesi (0920)
Donations can be deposited in the above-mentioned accounts;
In Cash : Account No. 3457808-5031 & 3457808-5031
T.C Ziraat Bankasi, Gazisomanpasa Subesi
(0920) Ankara
Though Bank Transfer : As per the account mentioned above.