BITLIS, 11 April 2019: High school students in the Bitlis province of Turkey enthusiastically participated in the Chughtai Art competition, organized by the Pakistan Embassy in Ankara in collaboration with Turkey’s Ministry of National Education.
The thematic focus of the competition was, “Landmarks of Pakistan.” Governor of Bitlis Oktay Çağatay, senior officials of the provincial Directorate of National Education Ministry as well as a large number of students, teachers, and families attended the Chughtai Art Awards ceremony held in Bitlis.
The painting by Şahan Tutgaç of Ziya Eren Fine Arts School Bitlis won the first prize, while those by Mustafa Üzel and Eyüp Şeflekçi of the same school received second and third prizes respectively. Paintings made by Erkan Durmaz, Ahmet Kotaz and Abdulsamet Tutku won the awards in “Emerging Artist” category while paintings by Ferhat Geneş, Abdulhaluk Tamyıldız and Havvanur Işık won the “Honourable Mention” category.
Speaking at the Awards Ceremony, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Turkey Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi appreciated the talent, hard work and deep thinking of the participants of the Chughtai Art competition, and congratulated the students who won prizes and certificates of distinction. He informed that this was the 7thEdition of the annual painting competition in Turkey, named after Pakistan’s outstanding painter Abdul Rehman Chughtai, a world-renowned miniaturist.
Ambassador Syrus Qazi underlined that holding this competition in the Eastern part of Turkey and participation by a large number of students signifies that Pakistan-Turkey brotherhood was deeply rooted among our peoples. The Ambassador underscored that through such events and activities, we would be able to transmit this precious tradition to our younger generation to carry it forward.
Governor Bitlis Mr. Oktay Çağatay in his speech emphasized that the brotherly relations between Pakistan and Turkey went back centuries. He deeply appreciated Bitlis province students’ overwhelming participation in the competition saying that such initiatives educated the younger generation about our centuries-old brotherhood and Pakistan-Turkey relations will be further strengthened through such activities.
Mr. Mehmet Emin Korkmaz, Director, Directorate of National Education of Bitlis Province, in his welcome remarks thanked Pakistan Embassy for bringing the Chughtai Art Awards competition to Bitlis. He informed that a total of 40 paintings were shortlisted for consideration by a panel of judges, and nine paintings were finally selected for prizes in three categories.
During his visit to Bitlis, Ambassador Syrus Qazi also separately called on Governor Oktay Çağatay. Views were exchanged on further intensifying educational and cultural cooperation between Bitlis and Pakistan.
More photos from the linkhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/PakistaninTurkey/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2209393385770276